Media releases archive

How to be a Great Lawyer series kicks off

Media releases

  On 5 July we kicked off our “How to be a Great Lawyer” speaker series! Managing Partner Mai Chen led a discussion about the importance of dreaming big, getting out of your own way and converging your super powers. The […]

Chen Palmer welcomes new Associate Lily Maclean

Media releases

  We’re excited to announce that Lily Maclean has joined Chen Palmer as an Associate. Lily completed her BA/LLB from Otago University in 2018, during which time she won the Chapman Tripp Negotiation Competition and became a certified mediator and […]

Mai Chen: Legal advice to the PM on moving the election

Media releases

In an article published on BusinessDesk, Mai Chen, Chair of the Superdiversity Institute for Law, Policy and Business, managing partner of Chen Palmer, Adjunct Professor at The University of Auckland Law School and a BNZ board director, explains how she […]

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