Government, Parliament and Law Reform

We can give you specialist advice on the “who, what, where, when, why and how” of government to directly advocate to decision-makers.

Chen Palmer has 26 years experience in interfacing with government and the public sector, which we draw upon to help organisations get law reform, and policy reform, outcomes through converging and understanding of law, policy, politics, Government and Parliament. We are adept at providing strategic advice to our clients on how to maximise government and parliament relationships and increase your profile with decision-makers.

Law and Policy Reform

Chen Palmer specialises in engaging with government and parliament on law and policy reform including knowing who the key decision makers are, identifying the relevant information, defining the mischief or issues that requires law and/or policy reform, and determining the range of remedies.

Challenging Executive Decisions

Our lawyers are problem solvers, and have experience in advising individuals and organisation on how best to challenge an executive decision by a government department, agency, or regulator. It could be seeking a reconsideration of the decision, going to the Ombudsmen or going to courts. We use a Public Law Toolbox approach to provide you with the best solution.

Government Relations

Chen Palmer brings its knowledge and experience of the law, and how government and parliament work, as well as our policy, political and media knowledge together to advise clients on how to build and grow effective relationships.

Our services include:

  • Helping you to identify and communicate your message or issue to the relevant decision makers in government or parliament.
  • Advising on Parliament, Parliamentary process and engaging constructively with Parliament.
  • Developing successful strategies for law reform.
  • Drafting Bills and amendments to Bills, submissions to Select Committee and Government, and aide memoires and briefings to Ministers.
  • Identifying and facilitating the development of sustainable and valuable networks both within and outside government.
  • Providing strategic advice on how the media, including social media, affects public perceptions of, and therefore public reaction to, your issues.
  • Providing regular parliament, policy, media monitoring and analysis relevant to your organisation and interests.
  • Providing training for governance and management about how policy and law reform works, working with government and problem solving using the Public Law Toolbox.

Our previous work includes:

  • Drafting a Local Members Bill regarding rural water supply, and working with Members of Parliament to ensure its successful passage.
  • Advising a professional regulatory body on the Secondary Legislation Access Bill being considered by Parliament.
  • Providing regular Parliament and public sector updates to several large businesses to better strategically orientate themselves when they advocated for law reform.
  • Working with NGOs to expand their professional networks in order to build momentum and support for a satisfactory resolution to their public law problem.
  • Working with clients to run a successful public facing campaigns on an issue of public concern.